The Strange Resurgence of the Original Novium Pro

By Matt Stathopoulos


The Strange Resurgence of the Original Novium Pro
In an era where new hockey stick models are released at a rapid pace, it's not common to see an older stick make a comeback. This is especially the case in the NHL, where players typically have access to the latest and greatest gear. However, the 2024-25 season has brought an unexpected trend among Warrior stick users. This being a noticeable return to the original Novium Pro model.

The Warrior Novium Pro was first released in the Fall of 2022, meaning it is now approaching three years of age. Since then, Warrior has launched multiple new models, including two direct successors in the “Super Novium” and the most recent “Novium 2 Pro.” Given how quickly stick lifespans have shortened in modern hockey, this resurgence of the original Novium graphic is certainly an anomaly.

To be clear, in many cases, NHL players seen using the original Novium are likely using their preferred Warrior builds dressed in the older stick’s graphics. However, the fact that players are opting for this visual throwback raises some intriguing questions. Why are they choosing to display the original Novium graphic rather than the latest iterations?

Currently, 13 NHL players have been spotted with the original Novium graphic this season. Among them are high-profile names such as Mark Scheifele, Drew Doughty, and Darnell Nurse. While it’s not unusual for NHL players to stick with a particular model they trust, it’s peculiar to see so many opting for a look from nearly three years ago when more recent Warrior designs are readily available.

One possible explanation for this trend is simply the player’s preference in design. The original Novium Pro featured a sleek, predominantly black design with a unique area near the center of the shaft where players could customize the stick with their team’s primary color. This aesthetic may be more appealing to certain players than the newer designs of the Novium family.

Another possibility is the player’s team might have excessive stock. Equipment managers often have large quantities of sticks for the more distinguished players on the roster. It’s possible that some of these players are simply working through their supply of original Novium sticks before moving on to the newer models.
For those who follow hockey equipment trends closely, this trend is worth noting. The NHL is obviously one of the biggest marketing platforms for hockey gear manufacturers, and companies rely on top players to showcase their latest products. When players like Scheifele, Doughty, and Nurse opt to use the graphic of an older model rather than a newly released stick, it creates a noticeable deviation from the norm.

While the answer to the question remains uncertain, this development serves as a reminder that, despite rapid advancements in hockey technology, players’ personal preferences still play a major role in gear selection.

It will be fascinating to see if this trend continues throughout the season or if more players transition to the latest Warrior models. Additionally, Warrior itself may take note of this resurgence and incorporate elements of the original Novium’s design into future releases. Whether it’s nostalgia, performance consistency, or just a coincidence, this strange return of the original Novium graphic has certainly caught the eye of hockey gear enthusiasts.

Photo Credit: Jonathan Kozub

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